I am Thankful I can drink Herbal Teas on this Cleanse. Tonight, I forgot to drink my dinner, because I got carried away drinking Tea. I hope that doesn't interfere with my weight loss, that my body doesn't think I'm in Starvation Mode or anything. I don't think I've told you all about my weight adventures on this Cleanse yet. I couldn't believe when I got on the scale this morning, I saw I'd lost another pound! I haven't posted my start weight, because I had a weight balloon sort of weekend. I was 245 on Friday, then ATE well all weekend, really well, and so my starting weight on Monday morning was 247. By Tuesday, that bloat was Gone and I was back to 245, but felt awful most of the day. I really enjoy that one of the side effects for me of this cleanse is that I don't bloat. Is it the sugar, the gluten, or the dairy, that have been making me bloat? I don't know. I just know I have anklebones, even though I cleaned the kitchen and entertained today. My ankles have been swelling spontaneously since I goofed up my ankle last year. It felt good to not have that happen. I usually just oil up, rest up, and move on. Meanwhile, Today, I was down to 242. Can you believe it?! I would have been happy with this whole week deal just to be past 245, it's one of those pounds that I just have trouble getting around. I balloon back up there, and get stuck at it again. Has that ever happened to you? I guess it does often to me, because I'm a yo yo dieter. I do well for a while, but I just love food, specifically sugar and bread too much.
Meanwhile, I was so stoked about today, I rewarded myself by putting out raw almonds in my new/old Town and Country divided dish Pyrex that Eric picked up for me, for when my friends came over for Bible Study today. I made them Costco quiche cups, and one friend brought a Cara Cara Orange that I sampled, since an Orange was on my List. They are pretty yummy, have a bit of bite, like a grapefruit. I could've eaten more of that, but chose not to. I ate almonds. I just kept snacking all morning on them. They hit the spot. Trader Joe's Raw Almonds Rock!
I drank 3/4 of a pot of Cinnamon Orange Herbal Tea from a Twinings party that I attended this weekend during our Bible Study. Good Stuff. And with the almonds, Oy! it was great. Next thing I knew it was noon. I drank my smoothie, and didn't gag. I kicked up my lunch smoothie today with almond milk, Ningxia Red, a handful of spinach and a banana. Bananas weren't on the List. But I caved. They make the smoothies so much tastier. It tasted great, and provided me just enough variety.
For an after nap snack, I had some celery and raw almond butter. That was great. I actually didn't find myself getting Hungry today. Probably because I kept snacking on the nuts all morning. I just have some small residual cravings. This evening, a few Oily friends and I got together to shoot the breeze at Starbucks. I got so distracted by being with my Oily friends I completely forgot to drink my smoothie. I didn't realize until 10 that I hadn't really had dinner. Doh! I had a Peach Tranquility Herbal Tea. It was warm and good, and the company even better. "Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion." We may have to make these get-togethers a monthly thing! I sat there in the Starbucks, smelling the coffee, and not drinking any. I sat by a rack of chocolate treats, and made myself look away. The biggest booboo I made was when I made the mistake of opening the freezer, and seeing the pizza, bagels, waffles, as well as the quiche cups I was making my friends. That was tempting.
I love carbs.
But I didn't cave.
I am beginning to worry about once the Cleanse is done. I wonder if I'm going to Binge, and it worries me, that all the good work that has been done, will be undone. My bowels seem a bit more normal today, and I don't want to lose that either. I love having lost some weight. I enjoy not having to eat cookies every two hours because the sugar addiction was so strong with me. When Jake and I curled up to nap today, I briefly toyed with the idea of Not Napping (gasp!) because I didn't really Need the Nap, I just wanted to rest my spine and snuggle with a sweetboy. I did do that. So far so good. I'm a little nervous about this weekend, because on one hand I want to eat All The Things. On the other hand, I'm loving the Results of this thing, and kind of wondering how long I can work this? I don't know. So far, so good.
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