Sunday, November 29, 2015

When no one shows

This has been a rough month for teaching.   I've felt it creeping up on me the last few months, and I'd been dreading the one when no one shows. Last month, I had a team meeting where one person showed up.  Then I held an intro class, where one new person showed up, and didn't order anything.   Then tonight, I had a team meeting where no one showed up.   Sure, I understand, it's the Holidays, and everyone's schedule is Crazy.  Mine included.  I purposely chose tonight as the last evening of Thanksgiving Break.  My theory was that folks would be back in town, crazy from all the weekend hoopla, and eager to get away, get some Oily Knowledge.  But I understand when the crazy wins.  The crazy wins a lot around here too.  Heck, just this morning, I changed the venue to Starbucks because my house was Christmas Crazy central.   But when I arrived at Starbucks, slightly tardy, there was no one there, and I hung out there for a while, just in case, but no one showed.  So I was sad.  I wondered to myself, what am I doing wrong?  Have I maxed out my circle, annoying all my friends and loved ones with all my oily talk?   Am I the only one that wants to Build a Business?   So many doubts. What am I doing wrong?


I have learned, that this is a Process.  It's not a sprint, it's a marathon!  If we're in it for the long haul, to Help People, and make a business of it at the same time, we're going to hit bumps in the road.   FDA compliance has been a big learning process for me.  But I'm trying.  And I like to think I'm in it for the long haul.  I'm doing as much as I can do.   I feel like I walk a fine line between Building a Business, Educating my Team, and being obnoxious.   I want my team to get as pumped up about Young Living Essential Oils as I am. But that can take time.  Some of my team members think they don't know as much as me, that they can't learn it all.  But they don't have to!   It's easy.  I don't know everything about all 200 of our oils, but I know where to find info, if I don't know, I ask my upline and team.  

I wasn't a Business Builder when I started oiling.  I was just a Mom trying to get her family healthier.   But these products are so wonderful, I couldn't help but Share my Joy, and the next thing I knew, I had a Team.  As it turns out, the timing was Perfect.   God's Timing always is.  I am so Thankful for my growing team, and their support.  But still, it can get so frustrating when things don't go according to my plan.   My Plan.  Ha.  Can you hear God laughing?  I did.  

So I thought to myself, what can I do?   Well, I can still have the class.  Even though, no one showed, that doesn't mean that no one is interested.   So I thought, I'll still have the class, it'll be like Practice.  And Practice will make me better.  So many people say, they 'couldn't do what I do' because they hate speaking in front of people, or they wouldn't know what to say.   Well, that's one of the great things I love about this company, the people are willing to share their knowledge.  That's one of the biggest perks about Young Living, it's team members share their knowledge about the products and the business.  They want to make it Easy to Share.  So do I!

So I thought I'd share the worksheet with you all, that I made for tonight's class on Holiday Wellness. I thought these would be some top items to have on hand through the insanity of the holidays.

Even though none of my team members were able to attend tonight, I want to be able to share these wonderful suggestions to get through the Holidays.  Do you drink Ningxia Red?   Try one ounce a day for a month and see if you notice a difference.  That's how I got started on Ningxia, and it has helped us get so healthy.  With the insanity of the holidays aleady around here, I've upped my Ningxia Red, and been using my DiGize pretty often this weekend. If there's an oil on this list, that you don't have, or haven't tried, let me know.  As my Mom says, "First sniff is free." ;)  

When we combine our informational sharing with the Amazing High Quality Products that we have, we're the Best!  We rock!  Sharing samples, sniffs, and information, make us better than buying a cheaply made product off a store shelf. Nobody else knows their Products from Seed to Seal!   I hope and pray, that eventually, if I stick with it, as my knowledge and comfort improves, and I get better at teaching, my business will improve.  There are low points.  As it turns out, that's normal.  There are going to be bad days, rough months, all of it, but I want to stick with it.  I'm not quitting.  Not today, and certainly not because of the insanity of the holidays.   

So, please enjoy this,  I hope you get some Oily Ideas.   Happy Oilidays!  

Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday

I'm sorry it's been a while since I've been able to blog.  My photos and desktop computer have been on the fritz.  Blessedly, my tech savvy hubbie has saved the day.   
What a simply irresistible day to be a member of Young Living!  

We have some wonderful products on sale for 20% off!  
If you are interested, in any of these products...  just contact me!  

The Aria Diffuser, including a free bottle of the Northern Lights Black Spruce -
this diffuser is the supreme spa diffuser.  It has multiple light settings, as well as a remote control, and plays music!   And the new scent, comes from our new Nothern Lights farm in Canada, we call it North American Frankincense!  

Ningxia Red - you all know how much I love this!  If you are interested, in starting to drink an ounce or two a day, please take advantage of this.  The best thing I can say about our family drinking this every day, is that we don't get sick.  And that's enough!  

Pan-away - This wonderful pain relieving blend is the replacement for helichrysum in the sale.  Today is the last day.  But we use this stuff daily.  At first sniff, I thought it smelled like Ben Gay, but without the chemical afterthoughts.  

Life 5 - A Fabulous probiotic blend of the top 5 best bacterial strains, plus a couple extras, infused with Essential Oils for better absorption and digestive health!  

The Holiday Thieves Kit - including a bottle of Thieves cleaner, which can be used to clean Everything!   Seriously!  Everything!  Check this out:  

If you want to Place an Order, just go HERE or let me know!  

Monday, November 23, 2015


This month, I was able to send my team members  the Gift of Gratitude.  
I put 10 drops of Gratitude oil in a cute 4 mL rollerball with sunflower oil to use as a perfume.  
I started this intending it to be an Oil of the Month, for just my team members with orders over 100 PV.  However, there's just something about this time of year that makes me so Thankful for everyone, not just my regular ordering team members, all my team members.  So everyone was able to receive this gift.  It was my Pleasure to share my Gratitude with my Team. <3

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Bomb Diggity

I have Two Recipes that I'm going to post tonight, to share with you.

The Bomb - I use this first recipe at the first sign of any kind of tickles, or hint of coming illness to boost my immune system.

In a Capsule,  I add drops of Essential Oils:

2 drops Frankincense
4 drops Lemon
4 drops Thieves
4 drops Melaleuca alternifornia (aka Tea Tree)
3 drops Oregano

Then I fill the rest with a carrier oil like Young Living's V-6 blend before capping off the capsule and taking it with water. I like to take it with a little food, because oils absorb better with a little oil or fat.

M* Bomb - This recipe used to be named for a popular painkiller, but I love this more natural rollon.

In a 10 mL (1/3 oz rollon bottle), I add drops of Essential Oils:

10 drops Frankincense
10 drops Balsam Fir
10 drops Copaiba
*7 drops Lemongrass

Fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil like sunflower, almond, or grapeseed oil.  My first time I used olive oil, but I found it to be a little thick for the plastic rollon bottles, so I prefer thinner oils.

* - the Lemongrass is optional, but for my own uses, I like to include it.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

More Fall Diffuser Recipes

Sorry it has taken me so long to post this.  I meant to put it up in the beginning of November. We've been having some technical difficulty on the home computer, and the drive where I store my pics and recipes was slowly dying.   Luckily, we back it all up to one of those crazy cloud things, so we didn't lose it, I just couldn't get at it.  But WHOOP, here it is: