I have learned, that this is a Process. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon! If we're in it for the long haul, to Help People, and make a business of it at the same time, we're going to hit bumps in the road. FDA compliance has been a big learning process for me. But I'm trying. And I like to think I'm in it for the long haul. I'm doing as much as I can do. I feel like I walk a fine line between Building a Business, Educating my Team, and being obnoxious. I want my team to get as pumped up about Young Living Essential Oils as I am. But that can take time. Some of my team members think they don't know as much as me, that they can't learn it all. But they don't have to! It's easy. I don't know everything about all 200 of our oils, but I know where to find info, if I don't know, I ask my upline and team.
I wasn't a Business Builder when I started oiling. I was just a Mom trying to get her family healthier. But these products are so wonderful, I couldn't help but Share my Joy, and the next thing I knew, I had a Team. As it turns out, the timing was Perfect. God's Timing always is. I am so Thankful for my growing team, and their support. But still, it can get so frustrating when things don't go according to my plan. My Plan. Ha. Can you hear God laughing? I did.
So I thought to myself, what can I do? Well, I can still have the class. Even though, no one showed, that doesn't mean that no one is interested. So I thought, I'll still have the class, it'll be like Practice. And Practice will make me better. So many people say, they 'couldn't do what I do' because they hate speaking in front of people, or they wouldn't know what to say. Well, that's one of the great things I love about this company, the people are willing to share their knowledge. That's one of the biggest perks about Young Living, it's team members share their knowledge about the products and the business. They want to make it Easy to Share. So do I!
So I thought I'd share the worksheet with you all, that I made for tonight's class on Holiday Wellness. I thought these would be some top items to have on hand through the insanity of the holidays.
Even though none of my team members were able to attend tonight, I want to be able to share these wonderful suggestions to get through the Holidays. Do you drink Ningxia Red? Try one ounce a day for a month and see if you notice a difference. That's how I got started on Ningxia, and it has helped us get so healthy. With the insanity of the holidays aleady around here, I've upped my Ningxia Red, and been using my DiGize pretty often this weekend. If there's an oil on this list, that you don't have, or haven't tried, let me know. As my Mom says, "First sniff is free." ;)
When we combine our informational sharing with the Amazing High Quality Products that we have, we're the Best! We rock! Sharing samples, sniffs, and information, make us better than buying a cheaply made product off a store shelf. Nobody else knows their Products from Seed to Seal! I hope and pray, that eventually, if I stick with it, as my knowledge and comfort improves, and I get better at teaching, my business will improve. There are low points. As it turns out, that's normal. There are going to be bad days, rough months, all of it, but I want to stick with it. I'm not quitting. Not today, and certainly not because of the insanity of the holidays.
So, please enjoy this, I hope you get some Oily Ideas. Happy Oilidays!
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